Ayrton Senna’s 21-year-old Legacy takes the spotlight on social media

4 de May de 2015


Tempo de leitura:

3 minutos

Ayrton Senna’s 21-year legacy was the subject of several tributes last Friday (March 1st), in Brazil and everywhere else in the world. In São Paulo, there was a tribute at the Ibirapuera Park Multimedia Fountain and, in Rio de Janeiro, the Senna emotion exhibit was opened at the VillageMall Shopping center.

Beyond stories in the traditional press, the Brazilian idol was also mentioned in several posts in the social networks, especially Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

To thank his fans and other personalities who, just like Senna did, are idols and examples in their daily lives, we take the opportunity to collect the coolest homages to the three-time world F1 champion, such as the ones made by McLaren, Lotus, F-1, Bruno Senna, Galvão Bueno, Red Bull Brasil, Corinthians, Campos Well, Robinho, Rafael Lopes, Tony Kanaan and Allianz on their webpages.

Check out the gallery with some of the best posts and use the comments to point other publications that have honored the 21-year legacy left by the racetrack legend.


·         McLaren

·         Lotus

·         Williams

·         F1

·         Nacho Viale

·         Portal R7

·         Diadora

·         Gazeta Esportiva

·         Renato Moura (Voz da Comunidade)

·         Playstation

·         Rafael Lopes (Voando Baixo)

·         Esporte Interativo

·         Max Papis (Nascar)

·         Allan McNish

·         Leandro Barbosa (NBA)

·         Corinthians

·         Superinteressante

·         Red Bull 1

·         Red Bull 2

·         Red Bull 3

·         Red Bull 4

·         Fernando Tornello (Fox Sports Argentina)

·         IG Esporte

·         BBC Sports

·         Andrew Benson (BBC Sport)

·         Albert Fabrega (TV3)

·         Sutton Images

·         Tom Coronel (Piloto)


·         Xuxa

·         Bruno Senna

·         Lucas Di Grassi

·         Campos Well

·         Perin Rodas

·         Calan Okeeffe (piloto)

·         Gianfranco Beting (Azul)

·         Super Kart Brasil

·         Antonio Felix (piloto)

·         Marco Pigossi


·         McLaren

·         Estopinha

·         Molejo

·         Galvão Bueno

·         Tony Kanaan

·         José Junior (Afroreaggea)

·         Dória (São Paulo)

·         Alan Kardec (São Paulo)

·         Allianz

·         Samir (Flamengo)

·         Felipe Paredão (Figueirense)

·         Vanguart

·         Cigano (UFC)

·         Léo Moura (ex-Flamengo, atual Fort Laudardale Strikers)

·         Mad Mike (Piloto de Drift)

·         Robinho (Santos)

.         Simon Pagenaud

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