Ayrton Senna honored by Guaraná Antarctica with giant helmet projection in Las Vegas

Wednesday May 1st, 2024


Tempo de leitura:

2 minutos

“Ayrton Senna from Brazil!” The legendary driver who conquered the world and gave Brazilians so many thrills deserve a big tribute. And it is in a monumental way that Guaraná Antarctica , a centenary Brazilian soda brand,  is celebrating Ayrton Senna’s legacy: An action in the world’s largest spherical structure, in Las Vegas (USA). On Wednesday 1st, a giant LED animation simulating Senna’s helmet on Sphere aroused emotion among fans of the world idol, being the largest helmet ever made for Ayrton. With a strong and genuine relationship with Ayrton Senna, Guaraná Antarctica wants to remember that the racing icon is an Original pride from Brazil to the world.

Guaraná was part of Ayrton Senna’s life. It was his favorite soda and he would took the beverage to other countries during racing seasons. It was a small zip of Brazil wherever he went.

To praise this long-term connection the brand that has been by the side of Brazilians for over 100 years has announced a partnership with Senna Brands, responsible for managing the Senna brand.  Moreover, Guaraná Antarctica will also be on Netflix’ series about the Brazilian idol.

“The tribute to our idol Ayrton Senna, on Sphere, is the first step in this partnership that will bring a series of actions in the coming months. Senna’s determination, charisma and example will always be remembered by Brazilians and by Guaraná Antarctica. The brand has many plans to bring back the incredible memories that only Senna was able to bring to Brazil,” says Juliana Grinberg, Guaraná Antarctica’s Marketing Director.

“Ayrton’s helmet is recognized around the world as a symbol that it is possible to achieve victories with determination, focus and persistence. The tribute at Sphere will amplify this message to a global audience of fans who admire our champion’s story”, says Bianca Senna, CEO of Senna Brands and niece of the three-time champion.

With coverage on Guaraná Antarctica’s social media, the tribute will be on Sphere until May 7.

About the tribute

The idea on Sphere was conceived by the agency Crispin Porter Bogusky (CPB) and this has become historic, as for the first time an original Brazilian brand appears on Sphere.

“On this very important date, Ayrton Senna deserved something great, in keeping with his importance to Brazilian history. Together with Guaraná Antarctica, a brand that is also a source of national pride, and which is also a success abroad, our idea was to make the whole country feel that pride of being Brazilian again, reliving the emotion of vibrating for our idol, who brought everyone together in front of the TV on Sundays,” said Marcos Medeiros, partner and CCO CPB.

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