Ayrton Senna

Tributes to Ayrton Senna on 05/01 are highlighted in Cristo Redentor, in soccer and with relics in social networks

29 de April de 2022


Tempo de leitura:

5 minutos

Next May 1st will be full of tributes to Ayrton Senna, three-time F1 world champion driver. To remember the 28 years of the Brazilian idol’s legacy, Senna Brands prepared several actions on social networks throughout the month of May.

In parallel, on Sunday night there will be an unprecedented tribute to the driver in Rio de Janeiro, at a famous postcard of the city: the Cristo Redentor statue. The colors of Senna’s iconic helmet will be reflected in the image of the Christ, contributing to an unforgettable scene in the Marvelous City.

The city of São Paulo will also stage an important tribute to the driver, and in front of an audience of thousands of people: in the Brasileirão, before the ball starts rolling in the match between Corinthians and Fortaleza, 4 pm. The São Paulo club is Senna’s heart team and has already carried out several actions to honor the driver.

And the month of May will be special for Ayrton Senna’s fans on the social networks. Helmets, trophies, overalls, and even Ayrton Senna’s McLaren will be displayed in an unprecedented format on the pilot’s official webpage in May. There will be 28 relics, all of which belong to the driver and were handpicked by the great champion’s family.

The action will be in the reels format, with one item being displayed per day in the smallest detail, from Monday to Saturday. Only on May 1st (Sunday) there will be two items being shown. The first video will go live at 10am.

“The tributes on May 1st are always very fond and special for all of us, because they show how Ayrton’s legacy is still present in these 28 years,” says Bianca Senna, CEO of Senna Brands and the pilot’s niece. “On our part, fans always ask us in our social networks to show some of his personal items that are part of our collection. Bringing this content to the social networks is a way to bring our audience closer to his achievements and personal life, so I’m sure the public will really enjoy seeing these details in reels, an animated format that is a success on Instagram,” concludes Bianca.

Another important action in this first of May is that the pages @oficialayrtonsenna and @sennabrand will show a new filter to be used on Instagram. Users will be able to choose the Ayrton Senna’s phrase that is most representative for them among several random phrases that appear on the screen. Senna Brands invites celebrities, fans and everyone who likes Ayrton Senna to share the phrases on their profiles by tagging the profiles @oficialayrtonsenna and @sennabrand.

On May 1, there will be a special 15% discount on Ayrton Senna’s official products at the Senna Shop.

Check out the complete list of Ayrton Senna’s relics that will be featured on the driver’s social networks in May:

National Bank Cap
1991 Brazilian GP Trophy
Lotus 1985 Racing Body Suit
Helmet 1988
Magazine covers from 1980 – 1984
Business card
1982 Pan-American Karting Champion Trophy
1991 Mexico GP victory champagne bottle
National driver’s license
Trophy of the first victory at the Portuguese GP in 1985
Stamps about Ayrton Senna in Japan
Diadora sneakers from 1989
Photo camera
Trophy of victory at the Spanish GP of 1989
Frequency meter
Helmet 1985
1993 Brazilian GP Trophy
Magazine cover 1990 – 1994
Caricature picture
McLaren overalls
Executive briefcase
Lotus 100 Poles Trophy
Holy Bible
Glove used in 1988
McLaren MP4/5B of 1990

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